NVIDIA Password Policy
- Minimum Length of: 8
- Maximum Length of: 14
- At least one number
- At least one small case letter
- At least one upper case letter
- Your password will expire after 180
days. If you logon after this time you will be required to
immediately create a new password.
- You are not permitted to use your
login ID as part of your password.
- You will not be able to use your old
password in your new password for 5 password changes.
You will
have 10 attempts to login after which time your account will be locked.
If this occurs, please contact the NVIDIA
Sales Center:
- Contact us in the Americas at: 1-877-NVIDIA1 or
1-877-684-3421; and in Europe, Africa and India at: 44- (0) 800 037 1505